COVA Peace Network
Praful Bidwai- B.M. Kutty – Swami Agnivesh Memorial
Sambandh 2024- 22nd Annual Inter-School and Inter-Collegiate Competitions
For Telangana State
On 6th August 2024
To Commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Transform Social Perspectives in 90 Seconds
Through Reels- Shots- Videos
On 10 key Issues: Poverty, Drug Abuse, Child Labour, Environment, Gender, Justice, Care of Elders, Unemployment, Differently abled, Communal Violence and Responsible Citizenship in English, Telugu or Hindi / Urdu.
Essence of your Message on Social Issues could include:
Portrayal of Challenges faced by different stakeholders involved
Inspiring individual / Group Achievements
Laws, Schemes and support mechanisms
Portraits of Grit and Determination
Interesting Case Studies
Creative Solutions
Lace your creativity with as many art forms as possible and are required.
Registration and Submission of Entries for Shortlisting
All schools and colleges can register by or before 15th July 2024 by sending an email to covanetwork@gmail.com or a Whatsapp message to 99595 17766: with the following Information:
Subject: Registration to Transform Social Perspectives in 90 Seconds for Sambandh 2024
Name (s)
Institution and Address
Title of Video
Theme of Video
Duration of Video
Registration Fees: Rs. 200 for each entry from Private Schools and Colleges
No Entry Fee for Students of Government Schools and Colleges
Maximum 2 Students can collaborate for one Entry- Maximum 3 Entries per Institution
Last Date for Submission of Final Videos or Links to Reels or Shots: 20th July 2024 before 3 pm
All Videos should be in mp4 format and within 50 MB
50 Selected Entries will be screened on 6th August 2024 from 9.30 am to 3 pm
At Birla Planetarium and Science Museum, Hyderabad
Prizes. Mementos and Certificates
1. Total 6 First Prizes of Rs. 5,000 will be awarded to the Best Videos – Three for schools and Three for colleges – One for each language.
2. Total 12 Second Prizes of Rs. 3,000 will be awarded – 6 for Schools and 6 for Colleges- Two for each Language
3. 12 Third Prizes of Rs. 2,000 will be awarded – 6 for Schools and 6 for Colleges- Two for each Language
4. Merit Certificates and Mementos will be presented for Entries whose videos are shortlisted for screening on 6th August 2024
5. Participation Certificates will be given to all entries who have submitted the Videos but could not be short listed for screening.
6. The decision of the Judges assigned by COVA along with Audience select will be final and binding
Registration Fee: Rs. 200 per entry that can be paid through bank transfer or google pay or Phonepe to:
Name of Bank : Canara Bank
Branch: Chandrayangutta
Account Title : COVA Indian Funds
Account No: 30312010086363
Account Type : Savings Bank
IFSC Code : CNRB0013114
Receipt / Screenshot of Fee paid should be attached to the Registration Email / Whatsapp Message
Emails / WhatsApp messages for Registration without proof of payment of Registration Fees will not be entertained.
Rules for Sambandh Competitions:
1. Duration of a Video / Reel / Shot can be maximum of 90 Seconds. Any Entries of more than 90 Seconds will not be accepted
2. There can be any number of locations and actors but Maximum 2 Students can collaborate for one production – Maximum 3 Entries per Institution
3. All students submitting Entries should attach Bonafide Certificates with their Registration Forms
4. Cheques for Prize Money will be given in the name of the school / college
5. Student Producers of the videos are encouraged to attend the Screening on 6th August 2024 at Birla Planetarium and Science Museum, Hyderabad. Some may be requested to address the audience after screening of their videos.
6. Decision of the Judges will be final and binding
COVA reserves the right to modify any Processes or Rules as required.
Organised by COVA Peace Network,
In Collaboration with
ICAN, Youth TRAC, CNDP and NASIM Foundation
For Details Please Contact:
M.A. Kaleem,
Programs Coordinator,
COVA Peace Network,
Whatsapp: 87128 06553
Email: kaleem@covanetwork.org
Website: www.covanetwork.org
COVA Peace Network
Swami Agnivesh – Praful Bidwai- B.M. Kutty Memorial
22nd Annual Sambandh, Inter School & Intercollegiate Competitions
Students Produce 90 Second Video Messages on 14 Social Issues to Spread Awareness

Schools, colleges live up to challenge of
‘a message in 90 seconds’
Published – August 07, 2024 02:13 pm IST – HYDERABAD The Hindu Bureau

COVA Peace Network conducted Sambandh-2024 -an inter-school and inter-college competitions. Students with the help of teachers produced reels and videos, which are under 90 seconds, to convey a social message. Winners were presented with awards on Tuesday (August 6, 2024). | Photo Credit: By Arrangement
Using social media to convey a social message, and saying it quickly, was the challenge COVA Peace Network – confederation of voluntary organisations, threw at various schools and colleges in Hyderabad.
As part of Sambandh-2024, the network conducted inter-school and inter-college competitions, to commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The annual event also remembers the contributions of noted social activists Praful Bidwai, B.M. Kutty and Swami Agnivesh.
On Tuesday (August 6, 2024), the network adjudged some of the best reels and videos which are under 90 seconds, produced by students with the help of their teachers. In all, 61 entries were received from 31 schools. According to COVA executive director Mazher Hussain, the idea was to orient and motivate students and youth to go beyond using social media for entertainment and spread social awareness and help transform society.
Videos were sent on wide themes of poverty, drug abuse, child labour, environment, gender justice, transgender people, care of elders, unemployment, corruption, mobile addiction, differently-abled people, communal violence, and suicide prevention.
Secretary of COVA, Thomas Chakkalackala, executive member Shobha, former president of NAREDCO Sunil Chandra Reddy, and others gave away the prizes and cash awards to the winning teams. They encouraged the children to dream big, to believe in one’s abilities, and practise inclusiveness in daily life.
A mime on mobile phone addiction, girl education inspired by Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, by Telangana Minorities Residential Junior College (TMRJC), Yakutpura, a video on gender justice by Birla Open Minds school, were among other winners.

Dance Video by Students on Let daughter take birth and video on misuse of mobile
Selected plays were screened at a Program on 6th August 2024 at Hyderabad and Cash Prizes, Mementos and Certificates were awarded.
COVA Peace Network organised Sambandh 2024, 22nd Annual Inter-School and Inter-Collegiate Competitions on 6th August 2024 to Commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Students of 31 schools and colleges produce 61 Reels, Shots and Videos of around 90 Seconds to communicate creative and effective messages. Please Click the Link to View the Videos:
Mr. Vithal Rao Arya of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha introduced students to the life and invaluable contributions of Swami Agnivesh and urged students to follow his example and strive for social transformation till the last breath.
Mr. Samiuddin Shaik, State Head CII, Telangana appreciated the conscious engagement of the students with social media for positive transformations.He urged students to initiate campaigns against Online frauds that are multiplying and causing great financial loss to common people.
Mr. C. S. Reddy,Director APMAS stressed that we are now in a global village where everyone is affected by all others. The best strategy is to be socially responsible and think of others. The moment we start thinking of others, others will think of us!
Mr. Sunil Chander Reddy, former President NAREDA gave examples of Malala Yousuf Zai and Greta Thumberg to show how youth can challenge and address ills of society through social media.
Dr. Shobha Gurajada, Executive Committee Member of COVA raised the issue of interpersonal bonding and how social media can be a very effective medium and Mr. Asim Khan of Myron Homes urged students to ban the term “Impossible” from their dictionaries and life and work to make everything possible.
Students spoke at the event and appreciated the concept of the program that they found challenging but also very inspiring. They promised to produce and circulate short videos on different social problems to transform society.
Mr. Jafer Hussain Quadri and Mr. Bharatesh Kidambi, the Judges appreciated the efforts of the students. They also gave excellent Power Point Presentations to guide students on producing good short videos with powerful social impact.
Bro. Thomas Chakkalachala, Secretary of COVA, in his Presidential Remarks stated that social media could be made a great opportunity to work on igniting social transformation and spreading harmony and peace in society.
Sambandh Program is organized annually to honour the memories and celebrate the contributions of Praful Bidwai- an internationally renowned Anti Nuclear Activist; B.M. Kutty an eminent trade union leader of Pakistan who dedicated his life to peace between India and Pakistan and Swami Agnivesh, who made path breaking contributions for elimination of bonded labour and to promote communal harmony in India and peace globally.
Dr. Mazher Hussain, Executive Director of COVA introduced the audience to the life and contributions of these remarkable social transformers.All the three Eminent Personalities have been closely associated with COVA Peace Network since it’s inception and helped in shaping it’s Mission.
COVA Peace Network invites entries for Sambandh 2024
Students of schools and colleges of Telangana are invited to produce reels, shots and videos of 90 seconds or less to create awareness and transform social perspectives.
Hyderabad: COVA Peace Network has invited entries for Sambandh 2024, the 22nd Annual Inter-School and Inter-Collegiate Competitions on August 6 to commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Students of schools and colleges of Telangana are invited to produce reels, shots and videos of 90 seconds or less to create awareness and transform social perspectives on any of the 10 issues of poverty, drug abuse, child labour, environment, gender, justice, care of elders, unemployment, differently-abled, communal violence and responsible citizenship in English, Telugu or Hindi / Urdu.
The last date for registration is July 15 and there is no registration fee for students of government schools and colleges and a nominal charge for private schools and colleges, a press release said. The selected entries will be screened on August 6 at Hyderabad and cash prizes, mementos and certificates will be awarded.
Sambandh is organized annually to honour the memory and celebrate the contributions of Praful Bidwai, B.M. Kutty and Swami Agnivesh, renowned activists and social transformers. For more information please call 9
For more information,
please call 99595 17766
or visit: www.covanetwork.org
Devi- Gender Justice – Birla Open Minds International School – Kollur
Educating a Girl- TMRIS Yakutpura Girls-1
Child Labour – Sharada School
Transgender Marg Darshak High School, Hyderabad – Sambandh -2024
No Suicide – ZPHS Ameenpur, Hyderanad
Care of Elders, DAV Public School – Hyderabad – Sambandh 2024
Child Labour – Javid Mission High School, Hyderabad – Sambandh -2024
Child Labour – St. Georges Degree College, Hyderanad – Sambandh – 2024
Adhura Bachpan – Child Labour – Birla Openmids International School, Hyderabad
Differently Abled – Global High School, Hyderabad – Sambandh -2024
Care of Elders – Pinnacle International School, Hyderanad – Sambandh – 2024
Gender Inequality – Diamond Jubilee High School, Hyderabad, Sambandh – 2024
Gender Inequality – Unique High School Shaik Faiz Kamaan, Hyd – Sambandh -2024
Environment – Unique High School Edi Bazar, Hyderabad – Sambandh – 2024
Importance of Education – Unison International School Wadie Mustafa, Hyd