Monthly Reports

Monthly Report’s


August was yet another eventful and fulfilling month at COVA!

Starting with the launch of a new program “CHECK IT” to decode and expose Fake News that is becoming a major social menace to reaching out to victims of Kerala Floods – the period was packed with action.     3rd Generation Philanthropy Programs of COVA also witnessed acceleration in facilitating scholarships for schools students and working towards securing bank loans for the poor.  COVA also initiated advocacy with the Government of Telangana to modify rules for access to scholarships for BC, ST, SC and OBC Students that are preventing most of them from getting scholarships. 

For the first time, COVA has also launched a crowdfunding Campaign through KETTO to mobilize resources for the scholarship program.

    Students performing the one-act play and participating in poster making competition at SAMBANDH 2018.

Sambandh- the Annual Interschool and Intercollege competitions saw participation from nearly 1400 student and The Annual program for Project Works for schools students to sensitize them on social issues also started during the month and will conclude by 20th November 2018.

The Month also brings back memories from 1997 when COVA for the first time started the trend of joint celebrations of Independence Days of India and Pakistan on 14-15 August as Festival of the Sub Continent for Joint Celebration of Hearts to commemorate 50 years of independence!


The slogan for the Program: CHECK IT and Save A Life!

 CHECK IT-Brief Overview                                                                                          

“Fake news” is not a new term. Many people have used it for years but now there is a worldwide concern over fake news/misinformation and the possibility that it can influence political, economic and social well-being and lead to violence.

The CHECK IT program aims to sensitize and educate people to delink the perceived legitimacy of all printed word and broadcasted messages and properly verify the veracity before accepting and more importantly forwarding it with others, especially on social media platforms. The partners for CHECK IT TechCamp are IT Professionals, Reporters from Print and Electronic Media, Faith Leaders, Social Activists, Police, and Concerned citizens active on social media.

Activities and Preparations for CHECK IT TechCamp

The CHECK IT TechCamp on the theme ‘Decoding Fake News and Propagating It’ is an initiative to address and counter the spread of fake news. Selected participants will be trained in 1) Harvesting Fake News 2) Decoding Fake News 3) Propagating the Decoded Fake News and 4) Give training to others on the same. The one-day training program is scheduled to be held on 29th and 30th of September, 2018 in Hyderabad and Mahabubnagar respectively. The expert’s cum trainers on decoding fake news from different organizations will facilitate the training programs.

Leading national and local newspapers and TV channels have agreed to the proposal of COVA to carry daily/regular items on fake news exposures- both past and current. COVA has an Interfaith Forum comprising of leaders of different faiths. Most of them have agreed to speak about the CHECK IT Program and Fake News in their weekly sermons in Satsangs, Mosques, and Churches etc., and also they display posters on the topic in their places of worship. Many NGO organizations, Schools, Colleges, Universities and Police Department from Hyderabad and Mahabubnagar are collaborating for the CHECK IT TechCamp.


COVA has initiated the 3rd Generation Philanthropy Program to mobilize donations and resources from individuals, businesses and trusts/foundations to enable people to access resources of the government available through various schemes and budgeted for lakhs of crores. However, most of these schemes and programs are grossly underutilized and the 3rd Generation Philanthropy is designed to enable people to access government schemes and programs that could make available lakhs of crores to people To Make Poverty History.

COVA has been able to mobilize Rs. 1, 53,198 lakhs (including Kerala Flood Relief Donation) for 3rd Generation Philanthropy programs during the month of August 2018.

COVA has started three programs under the 3rd Generation Philanthropy Initiative namely Financial Inclusion, Enabling Students to Access Government Scholarships and Citizens Entitlements Campaign.



Eminent Personalities, Senior Corporate Executives, Businessmen, and Civil Society attended for an interaction on 3rd Generation Philanthropy and Pathbreakers. Admiral L. Ramdas, Former Chief of Indian Navy and Dr Syeda Hameed, former member of the Planning Commission of India spoke on  the subject and Dr Hameed also made a presentation on ‘Pathbreakers – 20th Century Muslim Women of India’ to explore the possibility of exhibiting it in Hyderabad, Dr Mazher Hussain, Executive Director of COVA gave a presentation on 3rd Generation Philanthropy which is designed to Enable Poor People to Access Government Schemes and Programs, and it’s Importance in Present-Day Civil Society.



Mr A.K Khan IPS and Advisor to Telangana government spoke about the importance of 3rd Generation Philanthropy and garnered appreciation for taking initiatives to mobilize funds to access government resources.


Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme by Central Government has allocated Rs. 8,179 for Scholarships for 2018-19. State Governments have their own allocations for scholarships.  However, the scheme remains grossly underutilized by students from economically disadvantaged sections.

As per the records obtained by us from the BC Welfare Department, in the academic year 2017, only 3678 students in Telangana applied for BC Scholarship and the negligible number of 5 students applied from Hyderabad despite Lakhs of students studying throughout the State. The total amount sanctioned for BC Scholarship for the year 2017 was Rs. 2.13 Cr, which remained largely underutilized. This is largely because of the difficulties being encountered by the students in obtaining the required certificates and for applying online. In some cases, it is reported that amounts ranging from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 3000 are being charged for the processes that are proving to be the biggest impediment for most of the students.

COVA gave a representation in the matter to Principal Secretaries, and Hyderabad collector to enable students of the SC, ST, BC and OBC students to apply with ease for the Government Scholarships and made the following Action Recommendations.

  1. Income Certificate should be removed as a criterion for applying for scholarships for all students of Government schools. Only the poor are sending their children to Government Schools.
  2. Special Help Desks to be established in different locations – preferable in the schools themselves for a day or two to enable the processes for different certificates required. COVA can help enlist NGOs to help with the process and assist the officials if required.
  3. Banks can be approached to facilitate Help Desks to expedite the opening of bank accounts for students. COVA has already approached SBI and Syndicate Banks. A coordinated approach between the government and the banks could be most beneficial.
  4. Extend the Application submission date till 31st December 2018.
  5. Increase the number of scholarships from existing Rs. 1000/ per annum to at least Rs. 3000/- as Rs. 1000 Rupees is very less for one schooling year.



Till the end of August COVA received 1905 forms from 19 schools that are being uploaded. COVA is in contact with various other schools in the city for facilitation of PreMetric Scholarships and over 10 thousand forms are to be received from students.

                                                        Data entry operators filling online applications and answering queries at a school. –>



COVA started a fundraising campaign in Asia’s most visited and trusted crowdfunding platform Ketto. Fundraising will continue till the last day of scholarship application date. COVA is targeting to facilitate 10,000 students to avail government scholarships through this fundraising campaign with Rs: 8,00,000/- as target amount. Subsequently, other programs including Bank Loan, Health Care, Citizens Entitlement Campaign and Compassionate Citizenship Program will also be launched in Crowd Funding platforms.

Please click(ctrl+click) on the below image to visit the Ketto crowdfunding website. Also, kindly donate to “Enable Students To Access PreMatric Scholarships”.






SAMBANDH – 2018 was organized by COVA on 9th August 2018 at Jawahar Bal Bhavan, Hyderabad on the Theme Can Humanity Survive the Increasing Violence in the World?

1399 Students from 26 schools and 5 colleges participated in Essay Writing, Debate, Declamation, One Act Plays, Slogan, and Poster making and Quiz on the following topics:

  1.   War and Peace                                                                     
  2.   Who are Refugees and how they can be helped?
  3.   Is Nuclear Energy safe?
  4.   Conflicts in India and South Asia.
  5.   Effects of conflicts and wars on the common man.
  6.   Social and economic costs of conflicts and wars are part of history and cannot be avoided.
  7.   Life of a Family on the Borders during Conflicts and Wars.

The objective of this annual event is to sensitize students and youth to the issues of war, violence, and promotion of peace all over the world in general and in the Sub Continent in particular. Many participants from SAMBANDH Program enlist with COVA as peace activists and collaborate in our programs.

The event was inaugurated by Mr Sanjay Kapoor, Secretary General-FTAPCCI and Mr Mazher Hussain, Executive Director-COVA. Mr Sanjay Kapoor while addressing the gathering said: “I appreciate the concept and spirit behind the program and I urge students to become more connected with social issues and take responsibility as citizens”.

Mr Sreedhar of ADP Pvt Ltd, Mr Awais Ahmed Siddique-from USA, participated in the valedictory function and distributed prizes and certificates. While addressing the school and college students Mr Sreedar of ADP Pvt Ltd said “SAMBANDH is for common good and to make the world better. Change should start at an individual level first and then in home and school, this will automatically make society and country better. Programs like SAMBANDH make the positive change in society possible”.




As part of the 3rd Generation Philanthropy Project, COVA has started initiatives to intensify its presence in social media and boost its status and branding through the following social media platforms and accreditations:

  1. WhatsApp Groups
  2. Special section on 3rd Generation Philanthropy created on the Home Page of COVA website accessible at
  • Click(Ctrl+Click) the below images to visit the pages online:



COVA organized Fundraising Campaign for Kerala flood victims in collaboration with various civil society organizations in Hyderabad. The Campaign started on 19th August. Kerala has suffered most devastating floods in the history of the State with immense loss of lives and property. All funds collected will be used for immediate relief in Chengamanad Panchayath in Ernakulam District in partnership with the local Panchayat. In total, COVA collected Rs: 46, 198/- to support flood victims.



With Financial Inclusion Program COVA is enabling petty traders to avail bank loans. Details of the bank loans sanctioned and in the process are appended below:




Since 2005 COVA and ICAN have been organizing an Annual Program, titled Project Works for School Students to involve them to engage with undertaking the systematic study of some chosen social issues of importance.

Proposed Themes for 2018-19:

To be finalized at the TOT for Teachers with inputs from students communicated through the participating teachers. Each school is to vote for maximum 3 topics:

Proposed List of Themes that the Schools can vote on is: Out of 10, 5 Themes will be selected.

  1. Issues in accessing Civic Amenities from GHMC, Water Works and Electricity Departments.
  2. Government Hospitals.
  3. Child Safety.
  4. Public Transport.
  5. Fake News
  6. Problems Parents Face in Educating Children.
  7. Issues of Sport Facilities
  8. Unauthorized constructions and its impact on Hyderabad
  9. Green Cover of Hyderabad
  10. Profile of a Successful Personality of Hyderabad

Top 3 Projects submitted for each topic from all schools will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize. 15 Prizes will be awarded for the five topics chosen. The goal is to Sensitize School, College & University Students in Hyderabad to Become Compassionate Citizens. 


COVA facilitated ‘Adopt a Destitute Refugee Family Program’ with generous support from individual donors to provide monthly rations along with cash of Rs: 500/- to families of widows, single mothers, orphans, elderly and chronically ill. The benefactors are mostly Rohingya Refugees and some are from Sudan.

We distributed rations for 120 Destitute Refugees Families for the month of August 2018 on 14th, 15th, and 16th.  This programme is enabling the most destitute people to fend off possible starvation and survive with dignity. The story of Jamila Akhter, one of the Rohingya Refugees who is a benefactor of the Adopt a Refugee Family Program, narrated below will illustrate the support and succour COVA is providing to the deserving.

Jamila Akhter, born in 1995 came to Hyderabad in 2003 with her parents and 5 siblings from Myanmar. Her parents chose Hyderabad hoping to find better work and earn money to have a decent living. Jamila Akhter the elder girl in the family married Shafi Alam in 2016 and gave birth to 2 children.

Shafi Alam also a refugee from Myanmar went to Kolkata in October 2017 to receive his mother and sister who were coming from Myanmar. While Shafi was at Kolkata railway station after receiving his mother and sister, the police officers detained him for not having any Indian citizenship documents. Police deported Shafi’s mother and sister back to Myanmar and Shafi was sent to Dum Dum Central Jail. Initially, police informed him that he will be out in 1 month. Jamila who was not aware of her husband’s arrest got to know about it after 4 months. Jamila’s father who is suffering from multiple physical ailments couldn’t help her to get her husband released from jail.

Since Jamila’s husband was in jail, there is no source of income for Jamila. Now, with ‘Adopt a Destitute Refugee Family Program’ facilitated by COVA with support from Individual Donors, Jamila, and her children do not have to worry about their daily bread and are saved from recurring periods of starvation.





COVA started the idea of Festival of the sub-continent for the joint celebration involving Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan to commemorate 50 years of the freedom from colonial rule. The events were organized for the first time in history on both days i.e. 14th and 15th August-the independence days of Pakistan, Bangladesh (as erstwhile East Pakistan) and India, respectively-and on 16th and 17th of August (weekend). A number of the sister organization in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, UK, Canada, USA, and other countries joined hands to organize these joint celebrations all over the world. Around 20 cities within the sub-continent and another 10 cities/towns in other regions of the world, having expatriate communities from the sub-continent, organized these joint celebration in their areas.

Stalwarts of the Sub Continent like legendary singers and eminent personalities like Reshma, Mallika Pukhraj, Swami Agnivesh and leading poets of India and Pakistan participated in the celebrations.



The festival involved large-scale cultural, literary and social exchange. Some of the events/programs organized in different cities were Mushairas, Music and dance concerts, cricket matches, food, film, and handicraft festival, marathon runs, human chain, meals, folk performances vintage car rally, theatre, lecture, seminars, photo, and poster exhibitions, etc.

The prime goal of the festival of the sub-continent was to facilitate understanding, goodwill, cooperation, and collaboration for progress in the sub-continent, through cultural exchanges.

Advocacy for SC, ST, BC, and OBC Students to Avail Pre Matric Scholarships

Prepared by,




Monthly Update for the Select

Glimpses from February 2018

Thoughts to Action

Salute to well-wishers, partners and supporters of COVA whose encouragement and support over the years has enabled us to work to secure social harmony and peace along with empowerment of the poor and marginalised.

We are bringing out a Monthly Update for the Select Partners of COVA to provide a brief overview of the activities, progress and achievements attained during the month through your partnership and contributions.

3rd Generation Philanthropy Programs of COVA

COVA has initiated 3rd Generation Philanthropy Program to mobilise donations and resources from individuals, businesses and trusts / foundations to enable people to access resources of the government available through various schemes and budgeted for lakhs of crores. However most of these schemes and programs are grossly underutilised.

COVA has started four programs under the 3rd Generation Philanthropy Initiative namely Financial Inclusion, Accessing Government Scholarships for Students, Citizens Entitlements Campaign and Compassionate Citizenship and Responsible Activism Programs for School students.

So far COVA was able to enable people to access bank loans of Rs. 2.2 crores through donations and contributions of just Rs. 14 lakhs; facilitate 2500 students to apply for government scholarships for an amount of Rs. 75 lakhs with donations of Rs. 1.62 lakhs and achieved an increase of 46.7% in downloading of GHMC App to enable citizens to avail services from GHMC through the Citizens’ Entitlements Campaign launched on 26th January 2018.

Report of the activities of COVA under 3rd Generation Philanthropy and other activities of COVA during February 2018 is being shared.

Solicit your feedback and continued partnership for our endeavours to make the world harmonious, just and peaceful.

Mazher Hussain
Executive Director

Citizen’s Entitlement Campaign

The Citizens Entitlements Campaign which was launched by Mr. Janardhan Reddy IAS Commissioner, on 26th January 2018 was carried forward through the month of February and has achieved a phenomenal increase of 46.7% in download of GHMC App by members of the public. Pamphlets were distributed and general public was encouraged to download apps and lodge their grievances and complaints with concerned departments for the 56 services offered by GHMC, Water Works and the Electricity Departments as part of their Citizen’s Charters.

The Citizen’s Entitlements Campaign is part of the 3rd Generation Philanthropy Initiative of COVA to enable people to access resources of governments running into Lakhs of Crores to ‘Make Poverty History’

Data received from GHMC for the months of December 2017 and January and February 2018 illustrates the impact of the Citizens Entitlements Campaign as follows:

Statistics on Download of MyGHMC App

Per Day

Average downloads per day in Dec. 2017 and Jan 2018 (had CEC not been launched on 26th Jan): 1088

Per Month

Total downloads in Jan. 2018 (had CEC not been launched on 26th Jan): 29512

Average downloads per day from CEC launch till 28th Feb. 2018: 1596 Total downloads in Feb. 2018: 40732
Increase in number of downloads per day: 508 Increase in no. of downloads in a month: 11220
Percentage increase per day: 46.7% Percentage increase in a month: 38%




Launch of Child Friendly Telangana Campaign by Kailash Satyarthi

The Child Friendly Telangana Program is initiated by the Administration of Karimnagar District under the leadership of Mr. B. Vinod Kumar, Member of Parliament from Karimnagar and will be developed to cover Telangana State. Over 30,000 school students along with teachers, parents and dignitaries in large numbers participated in this landmark launch function in which posters by COVA and Kailash Satyarthy were released at a public meeting.


 13th Annual Display of Projects work on Social Issues by School Students

COVA and ICAN (Indian Children’s Action Network) organised 13th Annual Display of Project Works on different Social Issues by school students on 27th February 2018. Students worked on 17 topics for Project Works for 2017-18 viz. Participatory Budgeting, Right to Civic Services through Citizens Charters, Sports & Recreation, Environment, Health, Old Age, Menstruation, Effects of Mobile Towers, Anti- Dowry, Girl Child Safety, Child Labour, Child Marriages, Homelessness, Corruption, Tobacco Factory in Residential Area, Survey of Aadhar Card and Problems faced by Government Schools. 365 students from 20 schools working in groups submitted 80 projects.

The objective of the program is to sensitise people, especially school, college, university students and young professionals to social issues and concerns to inculcate in them compassion and responsible citizenship required of a good human being and enlist their commitment to address social problems to make society humane and just. Mr. Aditya Margam, Chairman, SLNS College, Bhongir & Ex-Honorary Secy. Exhibition Society inaugurated the Display of Project Works and inspected the works of the students

The Chief Guest for the Valedictory Function in the afternoon was Mr. K.V Arjun Rao, Principal, Oakridge International School and Mr. Sunil Jain, Executive Director, Natural Bleach Earths Pvt. Ltd. and Ms. Usha Paliath, Co-Director – Potter’s Wheel and National Executive Member – COWE were the Guests of Honour.

Prizes and Certificates we awarded to the students on the basis of evaluations of a Panel of esteemed judges comprising of Ms. Naheed Banu, Vice President COVA, Ms. Sarwat Sayeed, Dr. Lubna Asiya, Ms Amina Niloufer Hussain, Mr. S.A Samad, Mr. Iftekharuddin Ahmed, Ms. Nusrat Jahan, and Mr. Mohd. Azhar Ahmed & Mr. Mohd. Asif. Mr. Naseer Siddiqui and Mr. Salahuddin Sheikh of COVA facilitated tabulation of results and distribution of prizes.

Case Study: 1
Students of Madina Mission High School prepared projects on Child Labour & Effects of Mobile Phone Towers on health. Mr. Benjamin who is a Teach for India fellow was their teacher guide through the whole projects work. He shared with us that it was an intense activity for children as it required them to comprehend realities of the society beyond their school and home. He said that the guidelines made the students research, analyse and learn about data collecting. Benjamin was glad that his students got an opportunity to reflect on their community and surroundings and how it affects them which made them passionate about the topics they worked on. He said his students now have better understanding and he hopes that they are able to share the same with their friends and family. He also added that this particular initiative by COVA can enable the children to feel empowered and enjoy their rights as young citizens of India as they enable others to enjoy the same rights.

Financial Inclusion Project- Overview

COVA started the Financial Inclusion Project in 2014. The objective of the project was to provide financial literacy to the people to enable them to directly access loans from banks. It is the right of each citizen as stipulated by the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India under various schemes like DRI (Differential Rate of Interest) Loans, Priority Sector Lending, and Prime Minister’s 15-Point Program for Minorities and MUDRA, etc.

Amount of Loans sanctioned till date Rs.1,82,98,500
Number of loans sanctioned in February NIL
Repayment percentage of February 93.23%
Number of persons who received loans 982

Case Study:

Imran had been running a business of printing for a decade when he came across the loan facility for micro and nano entrepreneurs. He got in touch with COVA and was guided to apply and receive a loan for INR 15,000 in 2014. He repaid the loan within 30 months and  now plans to take another loan for INR 2,00,00 -2,50,000 to buy an advanced printing machine. The first loan helped him expand his business and gain more orders of printing. He wishes to develop his business further by using the printing machine with better resolution and printing speed.

COFI Networks International

TechCamps were organised in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 10th and 11th February and BootCamp in Bhubaneswar on 12th February 2018 with 24 participants. Objective of TechCamps and Bootcamp is: to impart  technical skills to Partners of COFI Network to handle social media and counter online hate propaganda and propagate positive content in social media both as individuals as well as organised groups. Care is taken to enlist partners/persons from different fields well versed in religious and social issues with progressive ideologies as Partners from all religious / ideological persuasions viz. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and atheists etc.

The HUB-A new initiative of COFI Networks International to Propagate Positivity through Cyberspace is being initiated. The program enables eminent personalities dedicated to the promotion of informed understanding of issues, social harmony and peace to propagate their writings, videos and public expressions through social media with the help of dedicated Blog Managers. The initial program is scheduled to be launched in March 2018 with about 15 eminent personalities of India and is proposed to scale it up to include 300 eminent personalities from 10 countries by end of 2019 to enable propagation of their writings and speeches through social media.

Meetings with members of COFI Karnataka were conducted in Bengaluru on 8th February’18 and monthly meeting in Kolkata was conducted with the members of COFI Kolkata on 17th February’18.

International Networking

As a part of Peace now and Forever Campaign between India and Pakistan, COVA participated in the Two Day Convention of PIPFPD at Bhubaneshwar on 10-11 February 2018 to strengthen the bond between the two countries. Discussions with Jai Jagat Campaign of P.V. Rajagopal for a March from Delhi to Geneva through Pakistan, Iran etc., are ongoing.

Collaboration established with the international organisation D21 for governance and children’s program.

Memorial Meeting for Asma Jahangir

COVA and Lamakaan held a Memorial Meeting on 17th February’18 at Lamakaan, to pay homage to Asma Jahangir, a renowned human rights activist, Supreme Court lawyer and UN Rapporteur from Pakistan who passed away on 11th February 2018. The condolence meet started with a screening of Asma Jahangir’s lecture at Yale University.

Dr. Mazher Hussain, Executive Director of COVA, Dr. Sumanta Banerjee, senior academic and member of Lamakaan, Ms. Sangamitra Malik of PIPFPD and Advocate Mr. Mahmood Ali recalled her landmark contributions to rights and peace in South Asia as many distinguished members present on the occasion also expressed their condolences.

The Memorial meeting ended with the screening of a poem recitation on Azadi by Kamla Bhasin with all members of the audience joining in chorus. People present at the Memorial Meeting wrote messages and signed on the Banner of the meeting. This signed Banner will be sent to her family in Lahore, Pakistan, as an ode and remembrance of her remarkable persona and path breaking work for the people of South Asia and especially women and children of Pakistan.

Other Programs

Multilateral Platforms

Advocacy for BRICS Study: COVA has proposed three Paradigm Shifts and twelve Strategic Recommendations for the promotion of MSMEs as part of a Study on MSMEs in BRICS Economies undertaken in 2016 for the BRIC Summit in India.

During February 2018 COVA interacted with some Members of Parliament to take up the consideration of the recommendations of the Study by the Government of India and of Telangana State.

Bio-metrics Drive- UNHCR (BIMS)

UNHCR and COVA conducted a Biometric verification drive at Hyderabad from 19th of Feb to 25th of Feb 2018 covering 3800 refugees and persons of concerns. This goal of this drive is to provide better protection to refugees currently living in Hyderabad.

Prepared by: