3rd Generation Philanthrophy

For Exponential Impact of Individual Donations to facilitate poor to access resources of Central & State governments running into lakhs of crores to Make Poverty History- Read More

Citizens Entitlement Campaign (A 3rd Generation Philanthropy Program)
To Access 56 Services from Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation – Water Works -Electricity Department Guaranteed by their Citizens Charters
GHMC                       ELECTRICITY                         WATERWORKS                          Modes to Register Complaints

It is no exaggeration to say that the governance & management systems are quite exemplary in COVA and other NGOs can surely benefit from sharing of the same.
2008: Evaluator – Mr. R.MURALI, Director, MARI
On the Audit Report by M/s Moore Stephen, UK for COVA’s Refugee Project “The overall audit opinion indicates that the implementation of the Project is in accordance with UNHCR Financial Rules and Regulations.”  May ’2015 – Yasmin Keith-Krelik, Sr. Admin Officer, UNHCR, New Delhi
The activity has yielded enthusiastic response & amazing results. Administration is participatory and decisions are taken democratically.  COVA Evaluation 1999 – Dr. A.K. Biswas. For more evaluations, click here


  9th August 2018 – SAMBANDH, 16th Annual Inter School & Inter-Collegiate Competitions

  14th August 2018 – Loan Mela for Financial Inclusion


 COFI Networks International
Being initiated in 10 countries of South Asia & Far East to counter Online Hate Campaigns and secure Cyberspace for Peace through training and networking of progressive Thought Leaders.
Peace Initiatives 
Vision: Social harmony, peace and justice through sensitization of all sections of society and empowerment of the poor and marginalized
Programs range from riot control measures at grassroots to securing cyberspace for peace through local, national & international networks.
 COVA Innovations
Riot Control – GEPS (GDP- Equity- Peace and Sustainability) Audit- Financial Inclusion – Entrepreneurial Economy – Citizen’s Emtitlement Campaign – Responsible Activism for Youth – – Faith Leaders for Social Change


Our Programmes






Peace Now & Forever Campaign












Empowerment Programs












Policy Intervention












Networking & Campaigns












Refugee Center









Resource Center



Training Division



e-Learning and PPTs



Research & Publications



On Television



Video Presentations



Opinion Pieces & Interviews



Kosish Theater






Case Studies



Cova in Figures


Years in Service
Country Networks
Policy Transformations