Annual Report 2023 – 2024



From 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024

Dear Friends and Partners,

For many years now, COVA has been sharing the Activity Report of its Program for a Financial year on the 1st of April every year.

The Activity Report of COVA for 2023-24 was shared on 1st April 2024 as part of our endeavours for good governance and transparency.

With the General Body of COVA approving and adopting it on 21 st July 2024, this Report is now being shared as the Annual Report of COVA for 2023-24,

A Year of Fulfilment and Pathbreaking Progress!

We were honoured and humbled by the Maja Koene International Peace Award conferred on 12th March 2024 for our contributions to prevent violence and promote peace from local to global domains.

In previous years, COVA and partners had received recognition and Awards for relief work on COVID from Government of Telangana, for Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir, Asia Star Peace Award by Association for Communal Harmony in Asia and UN My World Award for MDGs

Innovation for 2023-24
COVA has always been on the forefront of social innovations and in 2023-24 COVA introduced the unique Program of Multi Faith Celebrations to inspire and motivate people to invite members of other religions and communities to their homes to celebrate festivals together and understand the values and message underlying each festival.

Key Achievements
The Compassionate Citizenship Program of COVA that was introduced as a Pilot in 120 schools by Education Department of Government of Telangana in 2022-23 demonstrated excellent perspective and attitudinal transformations in students making them sensitive human beings and responsible citizens. Encouraged by the results, Education Department has included the Program as part of Moral Education and it will be imparted in 3000 schools of the State from 2024-25.

Great hope indeed for our society, country and the world in the coming days if Compassionate Citizenship Program becomes part of our education to make students sensitive and responsible beings!!

Intra Faith Action
In view of the growing misuse and abuse of religions that are becoming a norm, COVA initiated Religions 4 Peace, a national network of leading faith leaders, community doyens and activists in 2022-23 that received very good response from across the country.

Religions 4 Peace encourages Intra Faith critique and corrections to prevent misuse and abuse of religions to instigate hate and violence in society.

COVA’s concerns and activities literally span from the local to the global and in keeping with this tradition, COVA had to initiate some programs at the grassroots to prevent any outbreak of communal violence in the sensitive localities in view of the growing atmosphere of hate in the country and Telangana State Assembly elections that were scheduled in December 2023.

During this period COVA became part of an initiative that led to the formation of Citizens for Action in Manipur Campaign.

The other programs of COVA that include Interfaith Forum, and Refugee Facilitation Center produced good results in serving the communities


Mazher Hussain

Executive Director

COVA Peace Network

Hyderabad. India



Contact us:

# 18-13-8/A/508/B, Bandlaguda, Chandrayangutta, Hyderabad, Telangana 500005

Phone: +91 40 24442984



Part-I: Contributions for Peace: The Recognition

Maya Koene International Peace Award

  • Riot Preventions in Localities
  • Securing Peace in Jammu & Kashmir
  • India Pakistan: Peace Initiatives
  • Development as a Strategy to Integrate Communities
  • Citizens for Action in Manipur:
  • Multi Faith Celebrations for Integration across Religions
  • Intra Faith Initiatives to De-Weaponize Religions

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part –II: Crafting Peace in Troubled Times
From Grassroots to Global

  • Sanitising Vulnerable Localities
  • Resolving Challenge of Ganesh and Miad Processions on the same route on the same day
  • Saviours of Hyderabad
  • Launch of Citizens Action for Manipur
  • Global Vigils for Peace

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part III: Unique Innovations for Peace

Multi Faith Celebrations

People can use Religions to Unite

Through Multi Faith Celebrations of All Festivals:Every time- Every Where!

The Proposal is to bridge the divide created by social media through Multi Faith Celebration of Festivals in our Buddha Viharas, Churches, Temples, Masjids, Gurudwaras, Derasars., Fire Temples, Synagogues, places of Worship of all other Faiths and in every Home!

To Knit All Religions and Communities Together for Harmonious Neighbourhood, Peace in Country and Prosperous Nations
Let Us Make Every Festival a Festival of Unity-a Celebration for Humanity

Every House can be an Opportunity for Multi Faith Celebrations
To Bring Heavens Down to Earth

Please Click Here to Read More:

Intra Faith Initiatives

The Context: There is increasing hate against communities in society and its manifestation in violence. This is becoming worse with weaponisation of religions and misuse and abuse of religions during festivals and in social media.
It is time to go beyond Inter Faith to Intra FaithWhere:
• Faith Leaders assess and critique misuse, abuse or incorrect use of their own religion
• Secure corrections and ensure their religion is not exploited or weaponised to bring discords and promote violence in society.
COVA initiated the Religions for Peace Group from May 2022
COVA is able to secure good results in Hyderabad through Intra Faith Initiatives and is now scaling to national level. READ MORE to understand the Problems and the Solutions

Part IV: Sowing Peace in Schools

Compassionate Citizenship Program in School Curriculum

Compassionate Citizenship Program is part of Moral Education initiated by Education Department of Government of Telangana in collaboration with COVA Peace Network for students of government, private and residential schools engaged in systematic understanding of a range of social issues like child labour, dowry, care of elders, budgeting, heritage, environment, fake news etc. through experiential learning.
The objective is to take students beyond textbooks and classrooms to also make them compassionate human beings who are sensitive to different social issues through extension lectures, direct field engagements and Project Works with affected sections of society. Students are also oriented to social advocacy and encouraged to undertake micro level social transformations and community improvement.
The Compassionate Citizenship Program will be imparted in 3000 schools of Telangana State from the Academic year 2024-25
To get into the Magic World of Compassionate Citizenship, Please Click:

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part V:Youth and Peace

Sambandh: Interschool and Intercollegiate Competitions

Sambandh Competitions are organised annually to commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrate the memories and contributions of Swami Agnivesh and Praful Bidwai of India and B. M. Kutty of Pakistan to honour their invaluable contributions for peace.Theme for Sambandh 2023: Impact of War and Violence on a Family
Objective: Sensitise society to long term devastation of individuals and families from different forms of violence.
52 Plays were performed by schools and colleges on suffering of common people:
All the Plays succeeded remarkably in bringing out the sufferings and struggle of families and common people due to these conflicts and have potential to sensitize society at large to the devastations caused by different social conflicts.
Siti Cable Network was the Media Partner and they have started Telecasting the Plays on their Network reaching lakhs of people.The Elders have Devastated the World Enough:
Time to Hand it Over to Youth to Nurse it Back to Health

Please Click Here to Read More:


COVA received good coverage for its programs in print and electronic media in English, Telegu, Urdu and Hindi.
Siti Cable Network also Telecasted Plays by school and college students performed as part of Sambandh One Act Play Competitions.
Siti Cable Network and HMTV telecasted interviews of Dr. Mazher Hussain on issues of Good Governance and Interventions for Peace and Community Empowerment.

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part VII: Collaborations

COVA collaborated with over 200 partner organisations across India for programs relating to communal harmony, promotion of peace through innovative initiatives, empowerment of children and women, environment and other social issues.
Details of collaborations and partners are given in Reports of different programs.For collaboration with Young Indians of CII for Swachata Hi Seva Campaign, Please Click Here

Part VIII: Scholarships For Orphans

COVA Peace Network provided scholarships for six students from lowincome group who have lost their parents or their fathers- who were the sole bread winners of the family.
All these scholarships are made possible thanks to 3 Endowment Funds that are started with COVA Peace Network and a donation to support education of orphan girls from the marginalised communities.Mr. K.R. Venugopal, former Secretary to 3 Prime Ministers of India, has generously instituted two funds to honour the memory of his father Mr. Kasba Ramaiah to support one Christian and one Muslim orphan girl to continue education.Another Fund is instituted to Honour the Memory of Col. Naem Ahmed by his family to support education of an orphan girl.

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part IX: Refugee Facilitation Center

Subsistence- Education- Medial and Livelihood Support for Refugees
Refugees from 7 countries are living in Hyderabad- majority are Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar.
Thanks to the generous support from our donors, COVA has been supporting most destitute refugee families since 2015 comprising widows, single mothers, elderly, orphans and chronically ill who cannot earn and need support to survive with dignity.
COVA also supports education of refugee students, funds for medical emergencies and grants to start small businesses.

Please Click Here to Read More:

Part X: Homage to Adm. L. Ramdas

Admiral LaxminarayanRamdas, PVSM, AVSM, VRC, VSM, ADC (5 September 1933 – 15 March 2024) was the Chief of Indian Navy
Admiral Ramdas also dedicated himself to the cause of peace, especially between India and Pakistan for which he received the Ramon Magsaysay Award. He became an outspoken voice of conscience, advocating actively for the defence of the Indian Constitution, especially the values of liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism.He guided and was closely associated with COVA for 3 decades.

Please Click Here to Read More:

Annual Report of COVA

From 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024

Innovating Peace

Part I: Contributions for Peace- The Recognition

Innovating Peace

Multi Faith Celebrations

Taking Understanding and Harmony to Family Level

Maja Koene International Peace Award

CESCI Switzerland and CESCI India conferred Maja Koene InternationalPeace Award 2023 on Dr. Mazher Hussain, Founder and Executive Director of COVA.
This Award is for work of COVA and of Dr. Mazher Hussain for over three decades for prevention of violence, community development and building goodwill and
solidarity in South Asia and Globally.

Overview of some Contributions for Harmony and Peace.

1. Contributed forPrevention of Communal Riots in Hyderabad.

Riots Prevented by Women with On Ground Interventions

Yes! Empowered Women Can Prevent Communal Riots!!
Candle Light Vigils, Peace Marches, comments and petitions on social media do serve as statements against violence but they cannot prevent riots.
Women Link Volunteers of COVA showed riots can be stopped with Action on Ground!
In the aftermath of Gujarat riots of February 2002 and announcement of Shila Niyas in Ayodhya on Friday, 15th March, every one feared riots will break in Hyderabad after Friday prayers.
Women Link Volunteers of COVA formed a Human Chain between the mobs and the police and prevented outbreak of any violence.
Please CLICK the Link to see the video of how women prevented riots

On Ground interventions by people committed to peace is the best way to prevent mob violence. Please CLICK the Link to see video Testimonies of how men, women and youth prevented outbreak of violence in their localities
If they could do it in Hyderabad you can do it anywhere in India!
Want to try???

2. Facilitated meeting of Indian Parliamentarians and Hurriat Leaders in 2010that resulted in reduction of violence in Jammu & Kashmir for 4 years

2. Provided a platform for common people of India and Pakistan
To assert their desire anddemand for peace through the Flags for Peace Campaign initiated in 2004 by COVA and partners that inspires spectators from both countries to wave their Flags together in Stadia during Cricket matches anywhere in the world- andthereby make a clear Foreign Policy Statement for Friendship and Peace.
Flags of Aggression have now become Flags for Peace

4. Post Gujarat riots in 2002: Facilitated collaborations between organisations from
different communities engaged in working for the riot affected. This provided relief and
rehabilitation to all across communal divides and also subsequently brought togethercommunities for peaceful coexistence.

5. Partnering with initiatives to bring together different communities in conflict in Manipur to worktowards securing peace in the violence torn State.

6. Introduced the Concept of Multi Faith Celebrations where families are encouraged toinvite their neighbours from other religions andcommunities to their homes to celebrate festivalstogether.This is leading to understanding the reasons for celebrating a festival, the commonality of values promoted with other religions and fostering respect for all faiths.

When Multi Faith Celebrations start trending, understanding,respect and peace in society is guaranteed!

7. Intra Faith Initiatives: These go beyond Inter Faith Programs
Most religions are now weaponised and are being used to spread hate and encourage violence against followers of other faiths. The only way to check this growing menace is to get leaders of every faith to critique the misuse of their own religion and urge their congregations to not engage in or allow abuse of their religion for hatred and violence against anyone.
Some Faith Leaders have started Intra Faith Initiatives with theircongregations and getting good response and results!

The day abuse of every religion for hate and violence is checked by its own faith leaders and believers -through Intra Faith Critique, that will be the Day of Perpetual Heaven on Earth.

Part II: Crafting Peace in Troubled Times

From Grassroots to Global

1. Sanitising Communally Sensitive Localities to Prevent Violence
2. Challenge of Ganesh Immersion and Milad Processions on Same Day- 28th September
2023:Perfect Recipe for Riots
3. Saviours of Hyderabad Program
4. Citizens for Manipur
5. Global Vigils for Peace


Sanitizing Communally Sensitive Localities to Prevent Violence

In view of the scheduled processions on the same day and State Assembly Elections in November, the chances of communal riots in Hyderabad increased thought there is peace in the city for the past 10 years. In view of the looming possibility of recurrence of violence again,
COVA started active interventions from January 2023 in all sensitive localities to motivate and orient people of both communities to come together and sanitise their areas against any outbreak of communal violence. For the purpose, COVA worked in 25 communally sensitive areas with such interventions as were required till the National Elections scheduled in May 2024 For details, please visit:

Addressing Ganesh Visarjan and Milad Un Nabi Processions on same day
Both have participation of 2 to 4 lakh persons, use the same route, same timings and both were
scheduled on 28th September in 2023.With State Elections Scheduled in November 2023, it was a perfect recipe for riots.

COVA, along with Human Rights Forum, Montfort Social Institute, Concerned Citizens Collective and some Activists recognised the danger 3 months earlier and reached out to police, government. Members of Parliament and organisers of Bhagyalaxmi Ganesh Committee and
three Milad Groups that organise the processions and public meetings urging them to change dates or the timings of the processions and Public Meetings.Finally, the Milad Groups agreed to shift their processions and meetings to 1st October 2023, thus averting what could have been a major confrontation.

The Hyderabad City Police played an exemplary role and both festivals passed off peacefully to everyone’s relief.

Peace Activists Reactivated through the Sanman Program

COVA Peace Network Sanman Samaroah

36 Peace Activists who had volunteered with COVA for years were honoured at a Sanman Function on 14th August 2023 for making Hyderabad empowered and peaceful with their dedicated work at grassroots for years.
All the Awardees had proved that riots can be prevented if Hindus and Muslims come together to guard their localities. Some had even succeeded in making perpetrators of violence became active agents for maintaining peace in their localities.
Please CLICK the Link for a Report
To view interesting testimonials of some Peace Activists, Please Visit:* and

Citizens Action for Manipur
Launch of National Campaign
28 th – 30 th January 2024
Events Report

Manipur is being devasted by unrelenting and unprecedented violence between communities for 9 months with no sign of resolution. It has left more than 200 persons dead and over 1000 persons injured. About 70,000 internally displaced persons are reeling under despicable
conditions in 328 relief camps spread across the hills and valley. But there seems to be very little understanding or concern for the gravity of the tragedy that is unfolding in Manipur from other parts of India-.

The Citizens Action for Manipur is a national Campaign that seeks to provide a platform for Citizens from across the country to understand
the scale of violence in Manipur and undertake a series of Campaigns and Actions to call for redress and resolution of this festering problem now.

It will be a decentralised Campaign with Events organised in as many cities/ towns / villages as possible. One or more Anchor organisations will be identified and enlisted for each city / town/ village who will organise Events periodically till the violence in Manipur is checked & resolved.

Proposed Activities for the Campaign are Lighting a Lamp for Manipur, Multi Faith Prayers for Peace, Meditations, Placards, Appeals for Peace, Call for action from the conflicting communities and the authorities etc.
The key tasks of the Campaign are
1. Immediately halt escalation of violence and initiate dialogue between the conflicting parties.
2. Provide full reparation, restitution and compensation for the loss suffered by the

survivors of the violence
3. Ensure right to return, with security, to their uprooted settlements or at the place of their choice
4. Reconstruct destroyed houses with full access to basic needs like education, health, medicine, livelihood, etc.
5. Firmly establish the Rule of Law by controlling proliferation of illegal arms.
6. Constitute an effective Special Investigation Team to conduct prompt and impartial investigations into each of the cases of crime committed as part of the ongoing violence and prosecute the guilty within a time frame.
7. Establish Truth and Conciliation Commission in order to heal the festering wounds and transform the collective trauma. A large number of civil society organisations, activists, concerned citizens, media persons and professionals have come together for the Citizens Action for Manipur Campaign that was launched successfully on 28 th January 2024 from over 250 cities, towns and villages of Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, New Delhi, Orrisa, Rajasthan, Telangana and Tripura. Programs also continued on 29 th and 30 th January- Gandhi Ji’s Martyrdom Day with Prayers for Peace and other activities in different locations.

Programs will be organised regularly in more places across the country till such time as the violence in Manipur stops completely and peace prevails. Large numbers participated in the launch in Hyderabad with Multi Faith Prayers, Guided Meditation, Peace Songs, Painting, Rangoli Designs for Harmony and displayed Placards appealing for action and peace. The Program was livestreamed on Facebook.


Global Vigils for Peace

Admiral Ramdas, Chief of Indian Navy (Retd) joins Global Virtual Vigils for Peace With 50 organisations from 14 countries including Israel

The historic city of Hyderabad in India anchors Multi Faith Celebrations for Harmony #be4peace
BOSTON: Dozens of organisations and individuals around the world last Sunday joined A Virtual Global Vigil for Peace to envision / pray for an end to the violence at home and elsewhere, for a ceasefire in Gaza and in Ukraine, and for hostages and child prisoners to be freed.

Dada- Dadi (Grand Parents) Meditating for
Release of Child Prisoners

The non-performative, multifaith, worldwide event involved individuals as well as groups meditating or praying for peace or simply going into a reflective silence for 10 to 15 minutes at whatever place they were between 10 a.m. and 12 noon of their local time.
The countries where vigils took place included Australia, Bangladesh, Croatia, France, India, Israel, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, UAE, USA, and UK

The Event was facilitated by Southasia Peace Action Network, a cross-regional, cross-diasporic peace alliance, and Confederation of
Voluntary Associations (COVA) based in Hyderabad, India.

Former Indian navy chief Admiral L. Ramdas and his life partner, the well known activist Lalita Ramdas, participated from their current base in Secunderabad, a twin city of Hyderabad in the heart of India.

The historic city of Hyderabad saw participation in the Global Vigil at two separate events.
One was Remembrance Day, commemorated to honour soldiers of Hyderabad Lancers and other Commonwealth nations who lost their lives during World War I.
Some 40 participants joined in a guided meditation and prayers of different faiths at the event, organised by the British Deputy High Commission in Hyderabad. They included diplomats, bureaucrats, faith leaders, professionals, academics, activists and journalists.

The second venue for the Global Virtual Vigil in Hyderabad was at Anuraga Nilayam, a home for elders, where some 40 residents along with 35 guests including children and women also joined in the Global Virtual Vigil.Representing the Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Parsi faiths,
residents also participated in multifaith celebrations for Diwali, Mahavir Nirvana Jains and GurpurabGurta Gaddi Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji with prayers of different faiths, bhajans (devotional songs) and firecrackers.

Participants spoke about why the different festivals are celebrated that promote core human values. The program concluded with multifaith culinary offerings, as is fitting in a city that is famous for its cuisine

Part III: Unique Innovations for Peace

People can use Religions to Unite
Through Multi Faith Celebrations of All Festivals: Every Time- Every Where!


The Proposal is to bridge the divide created by social media through Multi Faith Celebration of Festivals in our Buddha Viharas, Churches, Temples, Masjids, Gurudwaras, Derasars., Fire Temples, Synagogues, places of Worship of all other Faiths and in every Home!

To Knit All Religions and Communities Together for Harmonious Neighbourhood, Peace in Country and A Prosperous Nation


Let Us Make Every Festival a Festival of Unity- a Celebration for Humanity
Every House can be an Opportunity For Multi Faith Celebrations
To Bring Heavens Down to Earth

For more details please CLICK:

Every festival of all faiths can be an occasion to bond with our neighbours of different religions and communities by inviting them to our places of worship and to our homes to share a meal, share refreshments, share about our core values, and share our Understanding of The Almighty!

This Program was initiated with Milad Un Nabi Celebrations in September 2023 and many Faith Groups and Community Organisations arranged to invite members of other communities in different cities of India and in other countries also.

As part of the Multi Faith Celebrations for Milad Un Nabi, a Symposium on Core Values for Humanity in different Faiths was organized with very informative and inspiring Presentations on the Topic by Faith Leaders of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.

For all the Presentations, please Click:

Other Festivals that experienced Multi Faith Celebrations are:
12th November 2023- Diwali -Hinduism
13th November 2023- Mahavir Nirvana -Jainism
12 th -Nov -2023 : Diwali (Hinduism)
13 th -Nov – 2023 : Mahavir Nirvana (Jainism)
27 th – Nov – 2023 :Gurupurab – Guru Nanak’s Birthday (Sikhism)
25 th – Dec- 2023 : Christmas (Christianity)
17 th – Jan -2024 : Guru Gobindh Singh’s Birthday (Sikhism)
15 th – Feb – 2024 :Pairnirvana Day (Buddhism)
24 th – Feb – 2024 : Sangha Day (Buddhism)
20 th – Mar -2024 :Jamshedi Navroz (Zoroastrianism)
31 st – Mar – 2024 : Easter (Christianity)

Multi Faith Celebrations to be facilitated for the following Festivals in the coming months
10 th – Apr – 2024 : Eid-Ul-Fitr ( Ramadan) – (Islam)
13 th -Apr- 2024 : Baisakhi (Sikhism)
17 th – Apr – 2024 : Ram Navami (Hinduism)
21 st – Apr – 2024 : Mahavir Jayanthi (Jainism)
23 rd – May – 2024 : Buddha Jayanthi (Buddhism)
16 th – June- 2024 : Eid-Ul-Azha ( Bakrid) – (Islam)
15 th – Aug- 2024 : Feast of Mother Mary (Christianity)
15 th – Aug- 2024 : Zoroastrian New Year (Zoroastrianism)
19 th – Aug- 2024 : Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)

Messages for Multi Faith Celebrations
Swami Dr. C.S. Rangarajan, Head Priest, Sri Chilkur Balaji Temple Trust

Every Festival has a purpose and a reason that should be shared with our neighbours and their families from other religionsto make every
festival a Festival of Unity and a Celebration for Humanity

Christmas as Multi Faith Celebrations by Christians and Muslims in Senegal brings Unity,  Communion and Peace- Jean Marie Thior, Team for Peace & Justice :

Sikh Call for Multi Faith Celebrations
Dr.Jernail Singh Anand International Academy of Ethics :

There is Essential Divinity in Mankind and all Creation -Guru Nanak
Sikh Scriptures with 22 Languages
Contributors from Other Religions

His Holiness Swami Raghavender Ji, Satya Dharma Sansad
Compassionate Achariyas of the Hindu Religion
Celebrating festivals with people from different faiths and sharing our beliefs  
Is an essential part of the tradition and spirit of India.
Multi Faith Celebration of Festivals proposed by COVA has roots in this tradition and should be welcomed
Ashutosh Gowariker, Director of Film Lagaan on the need, importance and impact of Multi
Faith Celebrations:

Ram Punyani, Peace Activist:
Need to respect sensitivities: Multi Faith Celebrations should be cultural interactions without participation in any religious practices or rituals unless the guests offer to be involved.:

Ajoy Naquib- A Kashmiri Pandit and Ex GM, State Bank of Hyderabad
Roots for Multi Faith Celebrations with all Religions & Communities in a small Village in Maharashtra!

Organisations can Click the Link to become Partners to Promote Peace in Society:

The Young and Young at Heart can VOLUNTEER
To make the World a Better Place.
Please Share with All Your Contacts

Intra Faith Initiatives

The Context
There is increasing hate against communities in society and its manifestation in violence. This is becoming worse with weaponisation of religions and misuse and abuse of religions during festivals and in social media.

Most have heard about Inter Faith and many practice it to bring better understanding and improve relations between different religions.
Intra Faith on the other hand allows addressing and rectification of the misuse and abuse of a religion by its own followers through internal critique and corrections

Followers of the targeted faith generally tend to become defensive if people from other faiths or ideologies point out some abuse or flaws. But if Faith Leaders and Opinion Makers of the concerned community undertake a critique and give recommendations, the community will
follow willingly.

So, it is time to go beyond Inter Faith to Intra Faith where:
 Faith Leaders assess and critique misuse, abuse or incorrect use of their own religion
 Secure corrections and ensure their religion is not exploited or weaponised to bring
discords and promote violence in society.

Intra Faith Initiatives
1. Faith Leaders should check and reverse attempts at weaponising their religion through Intra Faith initiatives and action.
2. Faith Leaders can convey messages to their congregations regularly on issues of avoiding misuse or abuse of own religion, respect for other faiths and need and value of peaceful coexistence
3. Sarva Dharma Prarthanas to be used as often as possible in all gatherings
4. Ravidasis have started talking to those who are taking extreme stands who can damage society

Part IV: Sowing Peace in Schools

Compassionate Citizenship Program in School Curriculum

Each passing Year is making us more Insensitive,Barbaric and Inhuman
We are no longer content with killing our family members butalso cut the dead bodies into pieces- 20, 30 or more.
Can we get Compassion Back into our Hearts, Our Lives, Our Families, Our Neighborhoods,  Our Institutions, Our Society, Our Governments, Our Countries and the World…

We can and should get Compassion back into our Lives, Our Systems
Yes, it is possible!
Students in Telangana State of India have shown it is possible forPerspective and Attitudinal Transformations to make us Sensitive Beings and Responsible Citizens. Need of the Hour Today!
Please Click to See How::

Compassionate Citizenship Program 2023-24: Overview and Impact
COVA, in collaboration with Education Department of Government of Telangana plan to  extend this path breaking Program to 3000 schools of the State from 2024-25.

For more information about Compassionate Citizenship Program- Concept – Strategies – Implementation Mechanism-Outcome and Impact: 
Please Click:

Reports of Project Works Display of the Compassionate Citizenship Program

Students Initiative Takes a Child Labourer Back to School

In a heartening turn of events, three compassionate students, undertaking fieldwork on child labour, stumbled upon a saddening reality — a young boy, out of school for two years, compelled to assist his father in construction work. (By Arragement)

Hyderabad: In a heartening turn of events, three compassionate students, undertaking fieldwork on child labour, stumbled upon a saddening reality — a young boy, out of school for two years, compelled to assist his father in construction work.

Determined to make a difference to his life, the trio, with the guidance of their teacher, embarked on a mission to convince the boy's father. Their efforts bore fruit as he relented, leading to the boy's enrolment in the eighth grade at their residential school.

This humane act is a manifestation of the broader ‘moral education’ initiative, a collaborative effort between the state education department and COVA Peace Network. Under this program, students across government, private, and residential schools transcend traditional classroom
learning, delving into topics like child labour, dowry, care of elders and participatory budgeting through experiential learning, promoters of the initiative said.

Impressed by their success, the education department and COVA peace network announced plans to expand the compassionate citizenship program (CCP) to 3000 schools across 22 districts, starting from the academic year 2024-25.

In a celebratory event held on Saturday, CCP’s project works display showcased 250 projects covering all their earmarked segments.
Men of eminence like R. Venkat Reddy of MVF, Dr Kiran Kumar from Woxsen University and educationist Maharukh Driver, among others, presented prizes and certificates to the achievers.

The event was dedicated to the memory of past presidents of COVA Peace Network-Egbert Samraj, Anand Raj Varma, OmimManeckshawDebara and NaheedBanu.

Sunday, Mar 17, 2024
Compassionate Citizenship Program by COVA Peace Network engages students in moral education 
Students were trained in social advocacy to analyse issues, formulate possible solutions and work for redress through individual initiative, collaboration with friends, family, fellow students.
PUBLISHED DATE – 17 MARCH 2024, 08:17 PM

Hyderabad: As part of Moral Education initiated by Education department in collaboration with COVA Peace Network, the students of government, private and residential schools engaged in systematic understanding of child labour, dowry, care of elders and participatory
budgeting through experiential learning made possible by the Compassionate Citizenship Program.

Students were trained in social advocacy to analyse issues, formulate possible solutions and work for redress through individual initiative, collaboration with friends, family, fellow students and represent to elected representatives, officials and faith leaders to help address issues and partner to transform society for better.

According to Mazher Hussain, COVA, the students also learnt about Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Savitri Bai Phule, Jyotiba Phule, Sir Syed Ahmed, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and others in social studies. Education department and COVA Peace Network will extend the
Compassionate Citizenship Program to cover 3,000 schools in 22 districts from academic year 2024-25, he said.

Students are making videos on issues that are going viral along with posters and meetings to sensitise different sections of society. Hindu, Muslim and Christian Faith Leaders whom the students approached have already started speaking about Child Labour, Dowry and Care of
Elders in their Weekly Congregations and Satsangs and have offered to continue on a regular basis with these and other social issues

Now the students have enlisted the cheapest and most effective strategies for reaching out to spread awareness among different sections of society and are well on their way to becoming social reformers in their own little ways!!


Project Works Display of Compassionate Citizenship Program was organised on 16th March 2024 at Hyderabad where 250 select Project Works on Child Labour, Dowry, Care of Elders and Participatory Budgeting were showcased by students from 30 schools and Prizes and Certificates were Awarded

Mr. R. Venkat Reddy of MVF, Dr. Kiran Kumar, Dean Woxsen University, Mrs. Maharukh Driver, Educationist , Mr. Peter Jaya Kumar, Chartered Accountant, Master Aslaan Debara, Grandson of Omim Debara, Ms. Urmi Chanda of Seeds of Peace -Mumbai, Mr. Vijaya Bharatiya of South Asia Peace Alliance, Mr. Owais Aslam of Pluralism Foundation, Kolkata, Mr. M.A. Rauf, Ms. Meghna Narasimhan and Mr. Bharatesh Kidambi- all Members of COVA presented Prizes and addressed the students.
Bro. Thomas Chakkalackala, Executive Committee Member of COVA Presided.

Walk to Wake Up Society!

School Students Rally with COVA to Bring Awareness on Social Problems
among people on Child Labour, Care of Elders, Dowry and Budget Management.
This is part of the Compassionate Citizenship Program of COVA in collaboration with the
Education Department of the Government of Telangana.

Placards Declared: Number of Child Labour in India is over 6 crores or 5% of the Total Population of India; Punishment for employing Child Labour: Fine up to 50,000 and Imprisonment up to 2 Years; One woman dies due to Dowry Violence every 90 Minutes; Punishment for dowry death- minimum 7 years to life imprisonment; There are 14 crore elderly in India, 9 crore are working to survive and 5 crore are below poverty line; punishment to children for ill-treating parents is 3 months imprisonment and fine of Rs. 5000 under Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act- 2007

A comprehensive Pamphlet on the four social problems was distributed to members of the public detailing the key issues of each problem, laws, punishments, Helpline Numbers and ways to address them. People appreciated the efforts of students and many remarked that they were not aware of many facts, laws and punishments that were explained by the students, especially with respect to senior citizens.

A foreign tourist near Charminar lauded the initiative and remarked that with the youngsters taking up social issues with such enthusiasm and clarity, all these problems may soon vanish from India!!
CLICK for detailed Report:

More Media coverage at:

Part V: Youth and Peace

Sambandh- Inter School and Intercollegiate Competitions
Swami Agnivesh- Praful Bidwai- B. M. Kutty Memorial

21 st Annual Sambandh Inter-School and Inter-Collegiate

One Act Play Competitions on:
Impact of War and Violence on a Family

Telugu, Hindi and Urdu
22 nd and 24 th August 2023-

Birla Planetarium and Science Museum, Hyderabad

Organised by COVA Peace Network,

In Association With: NASIM Foundation USA, CNDP, Dwani, ICAN and Youth TRAC.
Media Partner: SITI Vision Digital Network and Event Sponsors: Drapes & More and Fanzart

Sambandh Competitions are organised annually to commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrate the memories and contributions of Swami Agnivesh and Praful Bidwai of India and B.
M. Kutty of Pakistan to honour their invaluable contributions for peace.

Theme for Sambandh 2023: Impact of War and Violence on a Family 
Objective: Sensitise society to long term devastation of individuals and families from different forms of violence.
52 Plays were performed by schools and colleges on suffering of common people:
 Because of wars and armed conflicts
 From loss of life, property and curfews due to caste, communal and sectarian violence;
 Discrimination against castes, minorities
 Plight of unmarried woman and orphaned children
 Perils of being poor
 Partisan behaviour of some law enforcers
 Sufferings of families of martyred Soldiers
 Nuclear bombs, Hiroshima, disease and death

Twenty Award Winning Plays will be posted on different social media platforms for mass circulation.
To view the Plays Posted on YouTube, please clink the Link:

All the Plays succeeded remarkably in bringing out the sufferings and struggle of families and common people due to these conflicts and have potential to sensitize society at large to the devastations caused by different social conflicts.

312 performers from fifty two schools were awarded medals, certificates and Mementos for their acts and cash prizes were presented to 6 schools and 3 colleges for securing 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Places. Consolation Prizes were awarded to 2 colleges and 9 schools.

Mr. Santosh Mehra, IPS, former Director General of Police inaugurated the Program on 22nd August 2023 and spoke about the need to combat stereotypes and discrimination that some Plays portrayed so effectively.

Delivering the Valedictory Address on 24 th August 2023 Mr. Gareth Wynn Owen, The British Deputy High Commissioner of Hyderabad complimented the students for the mesmerizing performances and the powerful messages conveyed.

Please CLICK the Link for Detailed Report:

These Plays will also be Telecasted by SITI Cable Network with Panel Discussions.
lease Click the Links to View some Plays: 
Freedom for People of Independent India:
Political Promises:

Annexure 1
Prize Winners: Schools and Play Titles

1. Unique High School -Nation and Diversity
2. St.George's Degree College – Kya Pata Kal Ho Na Ho
3. Birla Open Minds International School – Adhuri Udaan
4. New Model High School – Change: Ek Koshish
5. Gyanam Junior College (Girls Block) -Domestic and Physical Abuse
6. Javid Mission High school – Zimadar Kaun?
7. Global High School – Impact of War and Violence on a Family
8. St. Marks Boys Town High School – Desh Ki Khani Meri Zubani
9. TMRJC Charminar Girls-1 – Freedom for People in Independent India
10. Hyderabad Mission High School – A Shop Keeper
11. Oshin High School – Impact of wars in the world on a family
12. Scholar's Model High school – Effect of Curfew on a Family
13. Brilliant Mission High school – Bhed Bhav (casteism)
14. Sharada Vidyalaya High School – बुरेवकतकाअनुभव
15. Iqra Mission High School (Girls) – Jung Aur KhaandaniJaddo Jahad
16. St Andrews High School – Kashtephali
17. Javid Mission High school – Working Lady
18. Mamta High School – Kuttumbam Pai Himsa YudamvatiPrabhavam
19. Asian Grammar Junior College – Impact of War
20. Iqra Junior College – Aman Ki Talaash

The Elders have Devastated the World Enough: Time to Hand it Over to Youth to Nurse it Back to Health


Part VI: COVA In Media

What is Good Governance: Myth, Reality and Consequences:
Interview of Dr. Mazher Hussain on Siti Cable Network:
The new Buzz Word that has become another Election Slogan: Good governance is possible only when people can decide policies and make
governments responsible to deliver. But thanks to identity politics, citizens are made into Electoral Animals who cast their votes on the basis of their religion, caste, language, region and ethnicity. Manipur is a live example of destruction from Identity Politics If India is to be saved, another Freedom Movement is required: To liberate people from Identity Politics.See the interview of Dr. Mazher Hussain to see how it can be made possible!

ManishanteneManchodu Exclusive Interview of Dr. Mazher Hussain by HMTV
Strategies for Prevention of Riots; Paradigm shift in school education through Compassionate Citizenship Program to make students sensitive beings and responsible citizens, Countering hate and reclaiming harmony between different communities through Multi Faith Celebration of all Festivals; Flags for Peace Campaign during India Pakistan Cricket Matches that inspired and continues to motivate people in the stadiums; Strategic Contributions of COVA to Banking Sector & MUDRA Scheme  for financial inclusion of poor,

Part VII: Collaborations

Swachchata Hi Seva Campaign*

Cleanliness Drive on

Swach Bharat Diwas- 2nd October 2023


Climate Change- CII's Young Indians – COVA Peace Network

At Charminar, Hyderabad, India

Part VIII: Scholarships for Orphans

COVA Peace Networkprovided scholarships for six students from low income group who have lost their parents or their fathers who were the sole bread winners of the family.

All these scholarships are made possible thanks to 3 Endowment Funds that are started with COVA Peace Network and a donation to support education of orphan girls from the marginalised communities.

Mr. K.R. Venugopal, former Secretary to 3 Prime Ministers of India, has generously instituted two funds to honour the memory of his father Mr. Kasba Ramaiah to support one Christian and one Muslim orphan girl to continue education.

Another Fund is instituted to Honour the Memory of Col. Naem Ahmed by his family to support education of an orphan girl.

Part IX: Refugee Facilitation Center

Rohingya Refugees in Hyderabad

COVA Peace Network started work with refugees in 2010 as the partner of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) when there were only 400 refugees in Hyderabad from 6 countries- including 40 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. The genocides of Rohingya Refugees in Myanmar in 2011 and 2017 found a large influx and now there are around 2000 Rohingya Refugee Families comprising 8000 persons in Hyderabad living in pathetic conditions. While many of the refugees are able to work and has also provided grants to aboyt 300 families to start their small businesses to earn a living, there are always 130 to 140 families who are destitute and connot earn a living on their own and even when some of them do some menial jobs, they earn between 2500 to 4000 per month that is grossly insufficient to survive as it also includes payig rent.

COVA Peace Network started identifying and supporting 80 such families in 2015 and the number has now grown to 130 destitute families in March 2024 comprising 75 widows, 28 single mothers, 10 elders, 3 physically handicapped, 2 orphans and 3 unmarried women and 10 chronically ill who cannot earn to survive on their own and need support.
There are another 100 deestitute refugee families that are being supported by UNHCR and another NGO Khair Un Naas on a regular basis and so COVA has not included them in its list. All the three organisations providing regular support to destitute families exchange their lists on a regular basis to ensure that there is no dublication and all families in need can get support.

COVA undertakes review of its list every 4 months to see if any families are to be removed and if any new needy families are to be added. Removal from the list could be because of any of the following: the beneficiary has died, shifted to another city, another organization has started supporting them or single mothers have remarried. The list given below has details of 130 families that were surveyed and shortlisted by COVA till 20 th March 2025. Some more families have applied and the list could go up to 140 families for 2024-25

Your donation of Rs. 25,000 ($300) from Zakat, Sadaqua, bank interest, or general donation can help one destitute refugee family receive ration kits along with Rs. 500 in cash for sundry expenses every month. We appeal to you to adopt as many destitute refugee families as possible and share with your family and friends with recommendation to donate.

Indeed local poor need and deserve our support but there are following additional disadvantages faced by Destitute Rohingya Refugee Families:
1. They live in extremely deprived areas where most others- Rohingyas or Non Rohingyas – are also poor and cannot provide any help to them.
2. Local poor have support from families they have worked with or know local philanthropists that is not available to Rohingya Families.
3. Language Problem: most of them are not able to speak in any local language and so cannot approach others to seek help.

To See Brief Profiles of 130 Destitute Rohingya Refugee Families Short Listed for Rations Support: 2024-24, Please Click:

Please remember 130 Rohingya Refugee Families are awaiting your generosity and support
to survive with dignity

Refugee Students

Disasters and Refugees60 Rohingya students also need support as there are no government schools in their areas.  Cost for education of one child for one year is Rs. 18,500:
Total amount required: Rs. 11 lakhs
Please adopt as many destitute families and students as possible.
Indian and American Donors can avail tax exemption.
To donate, please

Part X: Admiral Ramdas- A Homage

Every Life should be a life of Admiral Ramdas and allfunerals an occasion to celebrate!

Admiral Ramdas

The Admiral lying in State flanked by Men in Arms- Peace Mongers-Social Transformers- Activists – Artists – Academics, Media Doyans and a Family that is class and composure personified!His partner of all of 63 years sharing the most profound and movingOde to togetherness even in parting and yes, with the certainty ofmeeting again in a moment – just around the corner!

Three daughters in symphony singing songs that he always enjoyed – their every Note spreading a divine radiance and three sons in laws fromthree different faiths and countries recreating the magic of theirloving association nurtured over decades.
Songs and recitations and hyms from Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism,Christianity and Zoarastrinism weave a rare spiritual aura.

Not a tear in any eye but every heart brimming with joy for beingblessed with a connect to such a complete life,

Have I seen a life like this? No
Have I seen a funeral like this? No
Any family like this?
Well, yes, but only as stuff of fairy tales!

National flag is lifted from him ceremoniously, friends andfamily slowly moving a little to make space for an additional reality and Now the Admiral everywhere in oceans and heavens -with his radiant smile illuminating eternity!
-Mazher Hussain

About Admiral L. Ramdas:
Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas, PVSM, AVSM,  VrC , VSM, ADC (5 September 1933 – 15 March 2024) was awarded the Vir Chakra. Adm. Ramdas served as the 13th Chief of Indian Navy from 1990 to 1993.

Over the years, Admiral Ramdas became an outspoken voice of conscience, advocating actively for the defence of the Indian Constitution, especially the values of liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism. He fearlessly voiced his opinions about injustices against marginalised and minority communities and wrote several representations to the highest authorities, condemning the communalisation and polarisation being promoted, and urged them to uphold democracy and the secular fabric of  India.

Admiral Laxminarayan. Ramdas also dedicated himself to the cause of peace, especially between
India and Pakistan for which he received the Ramon Magsaysay Award

Admiral L. Ramdas on COVA:
The Magnificent Coalition of South Asia
South Asian Coalitions are not easy to come byand coming together on a rainbow of issues is
welcome. I have the privilege of cooperation with COVA on issues concerning Peace, Justice,
Human Rights and good neighbourly relations. The contribution of Dr. Mazher Hussain has been
simply outstanding. One can only wish them well. . .

For Audit Report and Audited Accounts Statement of COVA for 2023-24
please click: